Aug 19, 2020Anonymous Jones10 Minute Lesson, Division, Educational Resources, Fractions Lesson Plans, Math Lesson Plans, MultiplicationAzTech Meet the Maya, AzTech The Story Begins, data analysis, Fish Lake, Number Sense, probability, rational numbers, statistics These math PowerPoints focus on Data Analysis, Statistics, Probability, Ratios, Proportional Relationships, Multistep Problems, Operations, and Geometry. Click the icon by the lesson to download the PPT or PDF file. 1. Data Analysis in Statistics and Probability Lesson 1 PowerPointPPT Lesson 1 PowerPointPDF 2. Ratios and Proportions: Unit Rates Lesson 2 PowerPointPPT Lesson 2 WorksheetDOCX Lesson 2 PowerPointPDF Lesson 2 WorksheetPDF 3. Ratios and Proportional Relationships Lesson 3 PowerPointPPT Lesson 3 PowerPointPDF 4. Add and Subtract Rational Numbers Lesson 4 PowerPointPPT Lesson 4 PowerPointPDF 5. Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers Lesson 5 PowerPointPPT Lesson 5 PowerPointPDF 6. Convert Rational Numbers to Decimals Lesson 6 PowerPointPPT Lesson 6 PowerPointPDF 7. Multistep Problems and Rational Numbers Lesson 7 PowerPointPPT Lesson 7 PowerPointPDF 8. Linear Equations with One Variable Lesson 8 PowerPointPPT Lesson 8 PowerPointPDF 9. Geometry and Measurement : Scale Geometry: Scale DrawingsPPT Geometry: Scale DrawingsPDF 10. Geometry and Measurement : Area Geometry: Calculate AreaPPT Geometry: Calculate AreaPDF