Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
This free PDF download of multiplication flashcards are designed to help jog the memory on multiplication properties and math literacy. They are best employed at the beginning of a multiplication unit for students who are new to it. You can utilize these flashcards along with Making Camp Premium or Making Camp Ojibwe to gather student reports on how well they’re performing in multiplication.
25-50 minutes
Our multiplication flashcards cover the following:
- factor
- product
- associative property of multiplication
- commutative property of multiplication
- distributive property of multiplication
- identity property of multiplication
- zero property of multiplication
- multiply by ten
You can print out and laminate these cards, or you can distribute them to your students if they are remote.
Review each flashcard as a class using your regular math curriculum. Have students study with each other for ten minutes, then have them review the flash cards on their own.
Download Ready to Print Flashcards
- To assess students, you may quiz them yourself using these flashcards for formative assessment.
- You can also have students play Making Camp Premium or Making Camp Ojibwe for multiplication solving ability. You will be able to access student reports from within the game to view how they understand the multiplication tables for summative assessment. The games effectively have them drill their multiplication tables and provide even more examples for their understanding.
Supplemental Games

Making Camp Ojibwe is our free multiplication game that offers multiplication and division practice for students. It still needs a username and password to play, but the school does not need to purchase any licenses.
Making Camp Premium (Grades 3-5) is our full game (one-time fee) that offers access to multiplication and division, including a Words section for language arts. Students need access to usernames and passwords for free and paid version of the game.
Tip: Keep records on hand of your student usernames and passwords.