Our math resources predominantly cover math standards taught in grades 3 to 8.
Click each link below to explore resources by subtopic or use the search box below.
Note: All videos and presentations are free. There is a charge for some of our games.
We have a curated and growing collection of original agricultural resources for Grades 3-8.
Our division resources help you drive participation and engagement using our games. You can find our games, lesson plans, PowerPoints, and division videos.
Our fractions resources include games, lesson plans, videos. Like our other lessons, some include ways to integrate 7 Generation Games into your fractions lessons.
Our multiplication resources include our games, lesson plans, editable PowerPoints, flashcards, and videos.
Problem-solving strategies give students a mechanism for identifying elements of a problem, determining a course of action, and checking their answers. We have videos, games and presentations to help you teach.
Our statistics resources include games, lesson plans and videos.