Video: Make it an Easier Problem

Make it an Easier Problem This video explains how to split up a problem into two or more parts to make it an easier problem. It also includes clear steps with explanations so students can solve this problem at their own pace. Scroll down to Problema más Fácil for the Spanish language version. Hazlo un

Vocab Cards: Animal Names in Spanish

Hello Teachers! Strong Mind Studios just released the first set of bilingual flash cards for your students! This PDF is free and downloadable. Print them out and use them for practicing the names of 25 animals in both Spanish and English! This can support ESL and your Spanish language class. Tune into our Spanish word

Video: To Solve a Math Problem, Visualize!

One book I highly recommend for anyone who teaches math above the the fourth grade level, all the way up to doctoral students, is Writing to Teach Mathematics and Science. Connolly and Vilardi give a TON of ideas, including drawing out the problem. Most teachers first teach with a fancy tool we like to call visualizing.

Video: What’s the Word? World History Terms

What’s the Word? World History Terms Here are five main key terms covered in this video. Check out the Spanish version below! ancient indigenous masters of mastery empire Términos de Historia

Video: Explaining Distributions and Variability

Explaining Distributions and Variability How can knowledge of distributions save you from angry, spear-wielding villagers? Watch this video from the AzTech series to find out.BONUS : Also available in Spanish below. Explicando distribuciones y variabilidad, con plátanos y aldeanos enojados. Explicando distribuciones y variabilidad, con plátanos y aldeanos enojados

Video: Finding the Average

Finding the Average What is the mean? Can you sing the formula for it? So first you are going to add up the numbers you have. The second step is to divide however many numbers there were in the first place. BONUS: Watch it in Spanish – extra bonus, no singing. Scroll down to Encontrando

Video: Why Did the Maya Hunt?

Why Did the Maya Hunt? What’s an X axis? What’s a Y axis? Another example of using bar graphs, explaining Mayan hunting practices.Scroll down to watch it in Spanish language version, “¿Por qué cazaban animales los Maya?” ¿Por qué cazaban animales los Maya? Una lección sobre gráficos de barras e historia al mismo tiempo.

Video: Mayan Trading

Mayan Trading Learning about distributions using bar graphs with examples from Mayan trading.Scroll down to watch the Spanish version, “El comercio Maya.” El comercio Maya ¿Cómo vivieron los Maya? Los Maya no usaron dinero.