Educational resources include customizable PPT files and PDFs, videos, clip art, standards-aligned pre- and post-tests, curated links to additional resources across the web and more. All resources are free to use and aligned with the concepts taught in our games. You can download these to teach multiplication, division, fractions or statistics whether you use our games or not. Why wouldn’t you use our games? They’re awesome, and some are even free!

AzTech Game Series
Clip Art
AzTech Lessons
Clip Art: AzTech Games – This is free to download.
Introducing Distributions – How can a confusion in the distribution of different trading items lead to angry villagers throwing a spear at you? Here is an example of distributions from AzTech: Meet the Maya.
PDF PowerPoint: Download
PPTX in SPANISH: Introducción a las distribuciones
PDF in SPANISH: Introducción a las distribuciones
Understanding Bar Graphs – How do you read a bar graph? An example using a problem from the game, AzTech: Meet the Maya. Don’t have PowerPoint? Download PDF
Mayan Hunting to Teach Bar Graphs – Using bar graphs to solve problems.
PPTX in SPANISH: Por qué cazaban animales los maya and PDF: Mayan hunting
PDF in SPANISH: Por qué cazaban animales los maya
Explaining Distributions and Variability – How can knowledge of distributions save you from angry, spear-wielding villagers? Watch this video from the AzTech series to find out. BONUS: Available in Spanish.
Why Did the Maya Hunt? – What’s an X axis? What’s a Y axis? Another example of using bar graphs, explaining Mayan hunting practices.
BONUS: Watch it in Spanish ¿Por qué cazaban animales los Maya?
Mayan Trading – Learning about distributions using bar graphs with examples from Mayan trading.
BONUS : Watch it in Spanish – El comercio Maya
Fish Lake Game Resources
Fish Lake is a game about fractions, so any associated lessons and videos will focus on fractions.
Clip Art
Fish Lake Lessons
Fish Lake Clip Art – In developing our games, so little Native American-related clip art existed that we had to create our own. Now, we want to share it with you.
Video: Understanding Fractions – Short video introduces basic fractions concepts.
What is Half? – This short video explains that one-half is two equal parts, with examples of one-half as a distance between two points or as a shape divided into two parts.
Video: Mixed Form to Fraction Form – Learn how to convert mixed fractions to fraction form with step-by-step examples that include a number line and pie diagram.
Fractions in Real-World Settings – This standards-based lesson provides an introduction to fractions.
Forgotten Trail Game Resources
Forgotten Trail Videos
Forgotten Trail Clip Art
Forgotten Trail Lessons
Making Camp Game Resources
Clip Art
Making Camp Lessons
Build a Model – Includes lesson plan PDF and PPT downloads with videos to teach students how to visualize a math problem. Bilingual, with English and Spanish language versions.
Multiplication Flashcards
Spirit Lake Game Resources
Clip Art
Spirit Lake Lessons
Spirit Lake Clip Art – This will redirect you to our main site in a new window for the time being.
To Solve a Math Problem (in Spanish or English): Visualize!
This resource features a helpful video with an English and a Spanish-language version.