Educators, take advantage of our statistics educational games, PPTX and PDF presentation downloads, and YouTube videos.
Games Teaching Statistics
AzTech: The Story Begins
The average number of students in Mr. Gonzalez’ classes has been going down. Where did they go? More importantly, will they be able to use their knowledge of math and history to make it back? Plays on the web and on iPad.
AzTech: Meet the Maya – Mr. Gonzalez told you not to touch that book! Now, you’re in the Mayan jungle. Use your knowledge of statistics and history to survive. AzTech: Meet the Maya can be played in English or as a bilingual English/Spanish experience.
Forgotten Trail – Follow two teenagers who apply their knowledge of fractions, decimals, measurement and statistics to retrace the Ojibwe migration through the U.S. and Canada.
PowerPoint Presentations on Statistics
This presentation answers how to use a pictograph to answer questions. As an example, what kind of transportation do students use to get to school?
- Download the PPT
- Download the PDF
- PPTX in SPANISH: Leer un pictograma
- PDF in SPANISH: Leer un pictograma
Bar Graphs
How do you read a bar graph? An example using a problem from the game, AzTech: Meet the Maya.
“Hunting: The Mayan Way” uses bar graphs to solve statistics problems. This has a backdrop of Mayan history.
- Download PPTX
- Download PDF
- PPTX in SPANISH: Por qué cazaban animales los maya
- PDF in SPANISH: Por qué cazaban animales los maya
Central Tendency Measures
Short lesson with an example of finding the average.
- Download PPTX
- Download PDF
- PPTX in SPANISH: Cómo encontrar el Promedio
- PDF in SPANISH: Cómo encontrar el Promedio
Median -What’s a median and how do I find one?
Download PDF
PPTX in SPANISH: Mediana es el número que está en el medio
PDF in SPANISH: Mediana es el numero que esta en el medio
How can a confusion in the distribution of different trading items lead to angry villagers throwing a spear at you? Here is an example of distributions from AzTech: Meet the Maya.
- Download PPTX
- Download PDF
- PPTX in SPANISH: Introducción a las distribuciones
- PDF in SPANISH: Introducción a las distribuciones
Proportions and Statistics - Graphs
Reading Graph Lesson Plan – This activity is for Grades 6-7 and will introduce students to reading and comparing bar graphs with proportional relationships.
Census 2020 Lessons
Census 2020 Lessons – Here’s a grab-and-go list of curated census lessons for K-8. Some have free, accessible online tools from
Videos on Statistics
Bar Graphs
Video: Reading a Pictograph – Pictographs are a fun, easy introduction to graphs. This video shows how to use a pictograph to answer questions, like how students get to school.
Video: Answering Questions with Bar Charts – In this video example, bar charts are used to track the number of buffaloes, a form of data collection.
Video: Mayan Trading – Learn about distributions using bar graphs with examples from Mayan trading.
Also available in Spanish as “El comercio Maya”
Video: Why Did the Maya Hunt? – What’s an X axis? What’s a Y axis? Another example of using bar graphs, explaining Mayan hunting practices.
BONUS: Available in Spanish as “¿Por qué cazaban animales los Maya?”
Central Tendency Measures
Video: Finding the Average – What is the mean? Can you sing the formula for it? Neither can our president but that didn’t stop her from trying.
BONUS: Watch it in Spanish – extra bonus, no singing. Encontrando el Promedio.
Distribution and Variability
Video: Explaining Distributions and Variability – How can knowledge of distributions save you from angry, spear-wielding villagers? Watch this video from the AzTech series to find out.
BONUS : Available in Spanish.