We get many questions regarding downloading, installation and operating systems. If you have game-related questions, such as what standards are addressed or how to run faster in a game, check out Games FAQ. If the answers below don’t solve your issue, please click on the links at left for systems requirements, download and installation or gameplay questions.
If you can’t find the solution on our site, email us at info@7generationgames.com. In your message, tell us what operating system you’re using, which game and what version. We will get back to you within a day.
We have 7 games playable on Mac or Windows computers.
Our Windows games run on Windows 10, and Windows 10 S.
-Games installed on the computer
Spirit Lake and Fish Lake are installed on your computer. These are a great choice if you have network problems, slow or unreliable internet, or you just want a much higher quality game than is usually available streaming over a network.
-Web browser
The first three games feature a 3D or 2D virtual world.
We offer seven games for Chromebook. Please be aware that the first three games are played in a 2D or 3D virtual world. Note: If you have low internet connectivity, the game may take a while to load.
We have seven Android games. All Android games can be played on a phone or tablet.
Counting by Two Languages (Augmented Reality app)
Making Camp Ojibwe
Making Camp Bilingual
Making Camp Premium
Math: The Universal Language AR (Augmented Reality app)
Yaima y Manuel Rodriguez (in Spanish)
2. I bought a computer game online. Where is it?
After purchasing the game, you will get a “Thank You” screen. As soon as your order processes, you will get an email.
This email will contain the link and instructions to download the game. You will usually get this email within an hour. If not, check your spam folder.
If you haven’t receive an email in 12 hours, contact us.
3. A window pops up on my Mac saying I can't start the game because it's from an "unidentified developer."
On Mac computers, newer versions of the OS X operating system require you to give permission to open certain applications. In this case, to launch the game: Control+Click, or Right-Click the game icon instead of Double-Clicking it.
Select “Open” from the menu. Now click “Open” on the following window that comes up.
You will only have to do this the first time you open the game; after that you can double-click the game icon to open the game.
4. I'm playing Forgotten Trail or AzTech and after I watch the videos, the games won't play.
Have you updated your browser lately? The games use WebGL which has run on most browsers, including Chrome and Firefox, for the past several years. Update your browser and the games should work.
5. Do I need an internet connection to play?
iPad versions of the AzTech Series,Math: The Universal Language NT (Lakota and Spanish versions), iPad/Android versions of “Making Camp”: No, you are able to play locally on your device. However, if you play offline, your game progress, points, etc., will only be saved on the device, so if you are playing on a different iPad or on the web, you’ll have to start over.
Augmented reality apps for iPad: You don’t need an internet connection once these are installed on your device.
For “Fish Lake” and “Spirit Lake”: Yes, but only to start the game. This is so you can login with your username and password to resume playing in the same spot that you left off each time you play the game.
For “Forgotten Trail” and the web versions of “Aztech” and “Making Camp”: Yes. These games run online.
6. I'm having trouble logging on.
Did you make sure the device is connected to the internet and not in airport mode? In order to play the games you must connect to the internet when you login. This is so that your progress can be tracked and you don’t have to start at the beginning of the game every time you play (and no one wants that). On some computers, there is a button in the top right of the keyboard that sets the computer to airport mode and frequently it is hit by accident.
7. My computer display looks funny.
Go to your computer settings and inspect your screen resolution. Make sure that the proper screen resolutions has been set for your device.
8. My internet doesn't work.
Sucks to be you. No, we’re just kidding, or, maybe not. That really does suck. If your internet is down, play the following games offline: “Making Camp” series, “AzTech: The Story Begins,” “Fish Lake Beginnings” and the AR math apps. If you have the demo versions of “Fish Lake” or “Spirit Lake” installed, those also run offline.
If you are trying to connect to a wireless network, double-check to make sure you are correctly entering your username and password.
If you are trying to connect to a wired network, check your router to make sure that it’s plugged in and turned on. Try re-setting the router by turning it off, waiting 30 seconds and turning it back on again.
Our helpful support staff will be happy to answer your questions.
You do not need to buy another copy of the game. We are be happy to email the updated version directly to you.
Email us at support@7generationgames.com—from your email address you’d used to order your game—and we’ll send you the download link.
9. If a new version of the game I purchased was released, do I need to pay for the new version?
May we suggest… Many problems can be fixed by downloading the latest version. All upgrades are free to licensed users, who will be sent a link to download major updates or notified by the app store as they are released, which is about every 3-4 months.
If you did not receive the email, check your spam folder. If you deleted it and now you are sorry—hey, we won’t judge you.
Just contact us. We’ll verify your paid license and send you a download link.
10. Why is there no sound on the videos?
IF YOU ARE PLAYING ON A PHONE OR TABLET … Almost certainly, the issue is that your phone/tablet is on silent mode. Switch the button to turn off silent mode and the videos should play. This can be very confusing because there may be sound on some of the pages but when it comes to video there is silence. The web pages play because clicking on the next arrow or any button is considered an “interaction” by your phone and will override the silent mode.