This is a great 10-minute lesson. Watch this Standards-aligned video on how to use a number line in fraction problems.
Find out how travelers could use a real-life number line and fractions to find their way from one spot to another.
How do you know where you are going? If you were going somewhere, you might type the name of the place or address into the computer to get a map. You might call someone on the phone. What if there were no phones and no computers?
Enjoy the lesson? You’ll love the game!
Get Fish Lake here for Mac or Windows.
Fish Lake is on iPad. Visit the App Store.

In Fish Lake, players practice with fractions while learning math problem-solving strategies. They’ll also be introduced to Native American history. Watch out for poisonous snakes! Canoe through the rapids. Find enough food for your village’s survival. Figure out “what’s fair.” Who knew you could get this excited about fractions? Recommended for Grade 4 and up. Available on Mac and PC.